Monday, January 5, 2009

Designing the Corvair announcement ads

When I decided to leave Campbell Ewald I was immediately rehired as a freelancer to work on a top secret project, the announcement ads for the Corvair. CECO even set me up in a special office in the GM building. I couldn't let anyone in my office or tell anyone just what I was doing. The CECO employees frequently ran into me and were very curious as to what I was up to. What was I doing in the GM building every day after I had just quit CECO ? This project was so secretive that when I had to have type set I used two or three different typesetters, breaking up the headlines so that they made no sense, then reassembling the words later. I was also frequently in the CECO offices which made the whole thing more mystifying to the art directors and others. I can't remember the time frame but it went on for two or three months I believe. I have always been heavily involved with drawing cartoons and that was the direction I took in designing these ads. It was a fun project and a great way for me to launch my freelance career.





Using solid black drawings with bold type created very strong images that stood out well in the newspapers, the readers couldn't miss these ads ! Thanks to Dave Newell, Chevrolet historian, for sending me all of these images. I, like most artists, have kept only a small portion of all of the work done over the years. It's great when someone like Dave can supply some of these long forgotten items. For those interested in old Chevrolet ads should check out Jim Bernardin's blog ABOUT OLD CHEVY ADS and CHARLIE ALLEN"S BLOG, see my links.

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