Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My last automotive catalog illustrations

Catalog 1

This series of illustrations were the last that I did for automotive catalogs. The ad agencies were using more and more photography and the automotive catalog illustrator was a dying breed. For these images I didn't have an actual catalog or art to scan, only small black and white reproductions from a promotion piece that I did. Nor do I remember the art director, ad agency or the name of the car. It's likely that this was done for the Oldsmobile ad agency, D. P. Brother. It must have been around the late 1960's when I was teaching because I used one of my students, Cathy Baylog, as the main model in the above illustration. If anyone out there has any idea of what car or year this might be, please let me know.

Catalog 2

I probably was freelancing at the time as Prucher Studios in Detroit called me in do these illustrations. This assignment was a lot of fun to do, I enjoy creating these types of compositions. I must have just left Al Hutt's studio to freelance again. The girl in the foreground was the receptionist at Hutt's and just behind her is Terry Smith, an automotive artist that I used frequently as a model. My children as well as neighborhood kids posed for me as well.

Catalog 3

Another illustration that was fun to compose. My wife Jeanne modeled for this illustration. She had modeled professionally for years in Detroit. For the male model I used one of my students.

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