Wednesday, January 14, 2009

featured in november charisma mag

forgot to post this when it hit newsstands but here it is for your reading pleasure! :) i was included in a charisma mag article in november featuring young people doing their thing in all types of arenas (shout out to zach hunter who was also included), titled "voices of a new generation." there is also an excerpt of the interview on the charisma website.

Amena Brown knew from a young age that she was called to talk. What she didn’t know was that she would use spoken-word poetry to illuminate God’s glory and communicate biblical truth. Through her “performance poetry,” which she presents at Christian events such as the Passion and Fusion conferences for young adults, as well as at secular “poetry slam” competitions, Brown is helping the church reclaim the arts. “I think it’s cool to see how some of the constraints are coming off,” she says. “I’m looking forward to seeing what God s going to do with art in general in opening our eyes as believers to how big God is.”-written by Adrienne Gaines

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