Friday, January 30, 2009

More of my final automotive catalog illustrations

The rest of my final automotive catalog illustrations. Again, I don't remember the art director, ad agency, the year or which car this was done for. I was freelancing at the time and Prucher Studios in Detroit called me in to do this assignment. Most of the car catalogs were starting to use photography in the mid '60's marking the end of an era.

Catalog 6

An illustration with a zoo theme, my wife and the neighborhood kids posed for me.

Catalog 4

A scuba diver in a wonderful tropical setting. I'd like to be there right now, Winter is in full swing here in Michigan and it's been miserable so far, some freezing rain and lots of snow ! I used my wife's best friend, Dorthy, as the model in this illustration. I don't remember who the guy was, probably one of my artist buddies.

Catalog 5

The excitement of auto racing was the theme of this illustration. The models were Cathy and Dorthy.

Catalog 7

Air travel and a cute hostess, again, my student Cathy was the model. These illustrations were all painted with acrylics and were in full color.

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