Thursday, January 13, 2011

She's Got That Good Good: Rinny P.

Hello people! Today is Thursday so you all know what that means…another fabulous He/She’s Got That Good Good feature of course! The GOOD GOOD-er I have for you all today is an amazing blogger with some of the most gorgeous natural hair I have ever seen. For all my natural sistas out there, you should definitely check out her blog! Without further ado, here is..

Rinny P. from Los Angeles, CA

What do you do?
College student, Commercial actress and model, Radio Intern, Tutor, Bandmember/Dancer, Style consultant, MUA...I have like 3+ jobs. It's in my nature to pursue a lot of things...finishing them before I lose interest might be difficult however.

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
natural, lush and SUPERDEEDUPER!

Where are your favorite places to shop?
I'd list Target, Forever 21, American Apparel, thrift stores and the closets of relatives from time to time. My late grandmother was the poshest 92-year-old I knew!

What is the one article of clothing you could not live without?
I can't name just one! It's either my Dolce Vita boots from Target or my Shawl Cardigan from American apparel.

This girl is so busy, just look at all those activities she’s got going on! But even through the hustle and bustle of her daily routine she manages to stay fly which is great! I really like Sherrin’s style, you can definitely tell she has a lot of fun with her clothes! In addition to the 3 words Sherrin used to describe her style, I would say that Sherrin’s look is a nice combination of vintage and modern with a very feminine touch. Thank you Sherrin, you've got that good good!

Make sure you check out Rinny’s blog by clicking here!

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