Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sweet Little Thing Called: Blog Award

Mode: Semi-Hiatus. First week of "back to work" was harsh!  I can't select all unread emails and click the delete button. haha! poor me.

So, while I am busy with my work (Sunday today, no work) I will share these awards given to me from Emotera, Tamera's Take and Gingersnap. Will pass these to other bloggers. Annddd... tadaaah! =)

First blog award: One Lovely Blog Award first award from EMOTERA. Thank you! ;)
goes to these ff. bloggers:

 Here are the rules.   (but you can change and add more and that's what I did)                                
1. Nominate 10 blogs for the award.
2. Link all of them.                         
3. Pick the top 5 blogs.                  
4. Let the nominees know that they're nominated.
5. Let the winners know that they've won.  
6. The winners may save the image above and post in on their blog. 
7. The winners may make a similar post or page for this award.
8. The winners may share the love and link to the person they received this award from.

Second blog award:  Stylish Blogger Award from Tamera's Take. Thank you! :D goes to these ff. bloggers: 

There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1.  Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2.  Share 7 things about yourself
3.  Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers* (I changed)
4.  Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

Third blog award: The Versatile Blogger Award from Gingersnap. Thank you! :)
goes to these ff. bloggers:

To accept the Versatile Blogger Award there are some rules to follow:
1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to seven blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.

Here are the 7 (not so interesting) Things About Me
1. Ellen is my nickname >__O
2. I am a "thirft" shopper.
3. Most of my clothes are plain and has no prints so I could do mix and match and accessorized easily.
4. I love wearing shorts. Except at work >__O
5. I love wearing flats. Trust me not all flats are comfy :) 
6. I love eating chocolates (especially at work) so I could prevent myself from being sleepy head.
7. Cafe latte is my favorite drink. FTW! :)

Have a great day everyone! :) 

P.S. I am on the 800th something on my unread emails. :) And more incoming emails this week for sure. Good luck to me! :D

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