Friday, February 4, 2011

Some eariy fine art ventures

Throughout my career as a commercial artist I have been involved with many fine art projects, exhibiting in galleries, museums as well as entering various competitions. Here are some prints that I did during the mid 1960's. I was taking a few classes in printmaking at the Society of Arts and Crafts school. At this time, my former painting instructor, Sarkis Sarkisiam, was the head of the school. He asked me to take over the Advertising Department and teach several Illustration and graphic design classes. I accepted the offer and taught there for about four years.

A print which was first drawn on a lithograph stone, then printed.

This is a woodcut, the design being carved onto a wood block, inked, then printed on a hand press.

An abstract figure study drawn on a litho stone, then printed on a press. This study is very much like my recent figure studies created on the computer and used as a basis for my new painting series.

Coy Nude
One of my new abstract figure study paintings.

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