Monday, April 25, 2011

a.b.k Custom Leather Craft

I have a deep love for leather goods (hopefully you remember my interview with Tobi & Jason of Herds of the Fathers from back in November. Click here if you didn’t get to see it, it’s a must read!). Leather products are so timeless; they really add a certain amount of finesse to an outfit. Most of the leather products I own were purchased at vintage & thrift stores and the fact that they are still in working condition as old as they are just shows the quality and durability that this material has (and I think leather really becomes more beautiful and has more character as it ages). I came across a.b.k custom leather craft, a brand based out of Brooklyn, NY, while perusing the web a couple of weeks ago. My jaw almost hit the ground as I looked at the stunning bags, accessories, and shoes that this company makes, all of which are hand crafted by Ayla B. Kazakevich. Here are my favorite pieces..

These products are….a little bit above my budget at the moment but I guess that is the price you pay for really well-made goods, especially since they are made by hand. Check out the rest of their merchandise on their website by clicking here.

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