Friday, April 22, 2011

He's Got That Good Good: Spencer Edwards

I meant to do this post yesterday but I have been so swamped with school work this week. My finals will be coming up in the next couple weeks (the first week of May to be exact) so I will be spending a lot of quality with my lovely books at the lovely library. This means I probably won’t be able to post very much for the next 2 weeks, but I will try my best to do a few! Today’s style feature is one of the many awesome people I have had the privilege of connecting with in the blogging world. He is a very nice guy with a great sense of style and great taste in music (we are both big J Dilla fans)! Without further ado, here is.. 

Spencer Edwards from Montreal, Canada

How old are you?
22 years of age

What do you do?
I am a fashion student as well as a style blogger

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Timeless, Open, Structured

 Where are your favorite places to shop?
I'm a big fan of shopping at thrift stores and boutiques. I really couldn't remember the last time I stepped foot into mall and purchased much but when I do. I usually head to Club Monaco, Polo store, and Urban Outfitters.

What is the one article of clothing you couldn't live without?
That’s a hard one I really can't just pick one. There are 3 things that I really can't live without that I feel really define me: My bracelets, my hats, and my club masters. A day without those is complete mental madness.

Spencer is a master thrifter. When you check out his blog you will see all the amazing pieces he manages to come across at thrift and vintage stores. I appreciate the way he is able to incorporate these vintage items into his ensembles so seamlessly. Spencer used 3 interesting words to describe his style, but 2 of them really caught my attention: Open & structured. At first glance, these words seem to contradict each other but if you really look at Spencer’s clothing, his style really is open yet structured. The openness comes from the rich colors, various patterns, and overall eclectic nature of his style while the structure comes from the more classic pieces. All in all, I love the look. Thank you Spencer, you’ve got that good good!

Make sure you check out Spencer’s blog, Proprpostur, by clicking (here).

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