Friday, May 13, 2011

He's Got That Good Good: Craig Johnson

Hello everyone! I’m back with another He/She’s Got That Good Good post. I meant to do this post yesterday but Blogger has been under some maintenance lately which prevented me from updating this blog. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this series: every other Thursday, That GOOD GOOD Blog features an individual with a commendable sense of style. Today’s stylish individual has a connection to one of my past features. If you guys can remember back to March, I featured a young man named Hanif Castle who was a part of an initiative known as the Avid Courtesy League. Today’s feature is also a member of that group. So without further ado, here is..

Craig Johnson from Bronx, New York

How old are you?
I’m 18 years of age

What do you do for a living?
I’m a college student at Delaware State University

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
My style I would describe as Urban, preppy and vintage

Where are your favorite places to shop?
My Favorite Place to shop is Topman

What is the one article of clothing you couldn't live without?
One Article of clothing I can’t live without is my accessories, mainly my beads

I really love Craig’s sense of style; it is very urban gentleman. One can definitely appreciate that he incorporates color into his outfits all year round because it is so easy to get caught in a world of neutral colors during the winter months (I sure do!). I also appreciate Craig’s taste in shoes; I love every single pair that he is rocking in these pictures! Thank you so much Craig, you’ve got that good good!

You can find Craig (here) at the Avid Courtesy League blog.

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