Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summertime Fine

With summer rapidly approaching, I think it is really time for me to kick my closet out of winter mode. I am such an odd shopper; I have this addiction to buying only sweaters and jackets. Of course this is fine during the cold months, but by the time the weather gets warm I never have anything to wear. Because of this, one of my friends and I are organizing a shopping trip to NY very soon so I can update my summer wardrobe. Here are a few things I am hoping to get and a couple of the looks I will be going for this season..

Most fashion lovers have style muses and Solange is definitely one of mine. This woman is a master of mixing patterns and I love the subtle yet effective manner in which she does so. I think she looks smashing. Both of the looks above are great for the summer.

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while probably know that I am an absolute vintage fanatic. I even used to do thrift store haul posts where I would display all my vintage finds (you can view them by clicking here). Vintage dresses are one of my favorite things to buy from thrift stores; I absolutely love their unique fits and interesting designs (and you really can’t beat the low price either which is $7.oo at the store that I frequent the most).

Like I mentioned before, I have an odd addiction for buying coats. Fortunately, it does get a little chilly on some summer nights so my addiction doesn’t go to total waste. My idea of a good summer coat is something light and loose, like the 2 coats pictured above.

This is a trend that is catching like wildfire. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this concept, color blocking is the combination of different colors that complement each other in an outfit. There are some people that could color block an entire outfit from head-to-toe and look smashing, but I don’t think I could pull off such a look, personally. I am a fan of more subtle color blocking like in the outfit seen above.

These are nothing new, but I have yet to purchase one! Usually I just use my own scarves to make turbans. However, I feel these simple pull-on turbans will be a great purchase for me, especially when I’m in a rush and I just need something to throw on.

What will you be wearing this summer? Leave it in a comment!

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